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Basic Skin Care Tips For Men ?


New Member
Apr 17, 2016
I ususally use Neutrogena Oil Free it counteracts and treats any skin inflammation without drying out your skin. At that point a SPF 15 cream, for example, Neutrogena Combination skin or OIL of OLAY ( I know) with SPF15. I would likewise put on a cover, for example, MINT or CLAY to fix your skin and close any huge pores you may have. Touchy skin cream for shaving and you're set.

I have discovered neosporin to help with the scabby zits. It eliminates germs - and thats what pimples are, contaminated pores. Peeling helps some with scars. Be that as it may, dont expect marvels. To the extent the dryness - The trap is to discover something that will include dampness without making you break out. The truth of the matter is that nothing you put on impacts how your skin imitates 28 layers down - however dryness just makes you look flakey - and thats not very lovely. I have had fortunes with something many refer to as "derma-e vitamin A wrinkle treatment gel". The vitamin An is useful for the skin, and it has no oil in it. It dries much like aloe vera gel, yet it seems to help my skin mend without scarring as much - however not speedier. Go figure. Its around 10 bucks for a 8 oz bottle and thats about as shabby as face stuff gets. It can be discovered online or in wellbeing nourishment stores. Goodness - and on the off chance that you are drying out from skin inflammation meds, switch them. Something else that helped me utilize less meds was cool treatment. Essentially, get a pack of solidified peas and put it all over after you washed. Get the skin all over great and cool for like a 5 minutes. At that point apply a flimsy layer of benzoyl peroxide or a salicyic corrosive item. The cool helps the drug get into the pores. Attempt it for a couple of weeks. It functions admirably - a plastic specialist let me know about it - and before long you wont need to utilize them as regularly (I substitute between the two about each other nght now) And utilizing less drug will help a great deal with regards to the dryness. Good Luck

1. use just facial scour or cleaner in the shower. Body cleanser is not for the face, facial skin is more touchy.

2. saturate.

3. use astringent or facial cleaner before bed.

I like the nivea for men line of items. They are awesome and are figured for a man's facial needs. They have scour, salve, shaving items and an awesome "hostile to maturing" line that works extraordinary to reguvinate how the skin all over looks and feels.

consistently it's great, it counts cover or pore cleaner to strip down and haul out dead skin and stopped up pores.

Go to the drugstore or Walmart or K-Mart and look at all the healthy skin items for men from Neutrogena and likewise Aveeno for Men. Peruse through them and pick and pick what you feel you will require. Perused all guidelines deliberately and their cases of what every item will accomplish for you. You should be the judge of what you requirement for your face - no one else knows your skin sort or what feels great to you - however you. Good Luck.

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